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Safeguarding policy & GDPR



The purpose of the safeguarding policy is to ensure that all children that attend our dance school are safe and protected from harm.  All the teachers have a responsibility to make sure that every pupil has a secure environment to learn and dance in and to ensure any allegations of abuse/bullying, will be taken seriously and responded to promptly and fittingly. The teachers/volunteers have a duty to report concerns to the principals of the school as named below. 


The Dance Consortium has an up to date public liability insurance policy for the protection of staff and pupils.


​Key details

The principals of Dance Consortium, Tunbridge Wells are Jessica Punch & Elizabeth Witt


The Dance Consortium, Tunbridge Wells has two venues:

  • Temple Grove Academy - Friars Way, Tunbridge Wells

  • St Philips Church Hall - Birken Road,Tunbridge Wells


The objectives of the Dance Consortium


  • To train and inform children in the knowledge and understanding of certain dance genres and techniques. 

  • To recognise our responsibility to take all reasonable steps to promote safe practice and to protect children from harm, abuse and exploitation. 


Dance class facility / venue hire


The Dance Consortium hires for purpose of dance - Temple Grove Academy, St Philips Church, community centres and sports halls in the area. 


Temple Grove Academy

The school remains open until 6.00pm for any personnel affiliated to TGA. The teachers and helpers of The Dance Consortium will only supervise the children whilst in the studios.  


St Philips

The Church is open to the general public at all times and the only areas supervised by The Dance Consortium are the studios whilst the children are in classes. 


We seek to safeguard children & young people by:


  • Valuing, Listening to and respecting them.

  • Recuiting staff and volunteers safely

  • Making sure at all times there is a school representative on the premises and will if assessed as necessary take the immediate action to call 999.

  • Highlighting to parents/carers that it is their responsibility to make sure the children are escorted safely off the premises once they leave the studio area.

  • Adopting child protection guidelines and safe working practice for all teachers and volunteers 


The Dance Consortium will encourage the following:


  • Always working in an open environment​ (e.g. avoid private or unobserved situations and encourage an open environment i.e. no secrets)

  • Treating all children and young people equally, with respect and dignity.

  • Always putting the welfare of each child/young person first, before winning or achieving goals

  • Building balanced relationships based on mutual trust which empowers children to share in the decision making process.

  • Making dance fun, enjoyable and promoting fair play.

  • Ensure, that due to the nature of the instruction of dance, where any sort of manual/physical support is required, it should be provided openly and safely for the child and the teacher.


The following should never be sanctioned. You should never:


  • Allow or engage in any form of inappropriate touching.

  • Allow children to use inappropriate language unchallenged.

  • Allow allegations made by a child to go unchallenged, unrecorded or not acted upon.

  • Do things of a personal nature for children that they can do for themselves.



Video as a training aid

There is no intention to prevent teachers using video equipment as a legitimate coaching aid. However, dancers and their parents/carers should be aware this is part of the coaching program and care should be taken in the storage of such films.


Roles & responsibilities of personnel


  1. The principals will ensure the safeguarding policy is reviewed annually or sooner in light of any changes in legislation or guidance. 

  2. They will also check  all staff and volunteers are made aware of the school's safeguarding policy. 


The Dance Consortium are committed to providing as reasonably as possible  a safe environment for our children and young people whilst attending weekly lessons, rehearsals, private lessons, local events, bi annual show and festival competitions 


On accepting attendance at our school we will ensure that parents/guardians/carers are made aware of this policy. 


This policy applies to all teachers, volunteers, anyone working on behalf of the dance school and all children under the age of 18 years parents/guardians/carers. 


LAST REVIEWED - February 2021


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Copyright 2021 The Dance Consortium.


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